The Lean Thinking System, which led to significant productivity gains in the automotive industry and later in the industry, is actually Toyota’s production system. The Lean Thinking system, which was created on the basis of the principles of continuous improvement and respect for human, aims to create a value for you and your customers in your processes and to eliminate your waste in the process that does not serve your purpose and creates a financial obligation to you.

While the industry and most other sectors have begun to talk and work on productivity losses, in research, the construction industry is one of the least efficient sectors, but still lags behind most in productivity and digitalization efforts. Studies in the UK and America show that inefficiency in construction is over 50%. This situation shows that there is an urgent need for digitalization and efficiency enhancement efforts in the sector. In addition, the constructive steps taken by the construction sector are also important in “Nature and Environmental Consciousness”, which has become a much more important concept today. The perspective of lean thinking that aims to use existing resources in the most efficient way before creating new resources provides support both to prevent cost losses in the sector and to make projects sensitive to nature and the environment.